30 for 30

What is 30 for 30?

30 for 30 is gathering you host and an amazing way for you to get involved in supporting UP.   A 30 for 30 gathering can come in many forms, the main goal is to invite a minimum of 30 persons to attend an event/activity that you host in support of UP in which they are asked to donate a minimum of $30 each.  

 This event/activity could be a dinner hosted wherever you choose, a backyard BBQ,  Pool party, Book Club gathering, Ladies night out, Men’s golf gathering, church bible study….the possibilities are endless!  

 The goal of 30 for 30 is to help raise money and educate friends and family about the amazing things taking place at UP for Women & Children.

Where do I begin?

Step 1: Plan your event, make your list and send invites.   We have included a link here with the UP for Women & Children logo if you’d like to use it.   We also have some brief blurbs you may cut and paste to share exactly what UP is and what your guest are being asked to support. 

UP is a drop in day shelter that provides comprehensive services: a safe space, showers, access to a restroom, phone, mailing address, help obtaining vital documents and case management.

UP is a day shelter that works to provide a healthy, safe environment for women & children experiencing homelessness. UP provides shelter and resource options through a partnership of providers. At UP, women & children experiencing homelessness are empowered to find hope, help, and refuge.

 Step 2:  Register your event with UP. We want to make sure proper thanks can be sent to hosts as well as send you materials to share with your guests.  

Step 3: Plan to incorporate this short video into your gathering so we can share with your guests more of the amazing things happening at UP.   Feel free to share this video digitally with your guests.    If a guest isn’t able to attend your event, please share the link so they too can learn about UP and hopefully still support your event.

Helpful Tips

While checks are always easy to collect and don’t have additional fees, we know guests may choose to use their credit card for donations.   Please have a device available (ipad, computer etc…) and use this link for online donations.     Please add Hosts name 30 for 30 in the comments section to direct funds to your event. (Again, proper thanks)

After sharing all the amazing things UP is doing for women and children experiencing homelessness in the Louisville area, please ask whom of your guests would be willing to host the next 30 for 30 gathering so we can keep spreading the word and growing our resources. You can help us reach our goals!     Our goals of opening 5 days a week and moving to a larger home can happen with your help. 


Your Impact

What $30 can do:

·         Provide showers for 3 women.

·         Provide monthly hygiene products for 15 women.

·         Provides 1 women with necessary identification documents.

·         Provides 1 women a hot shower and clean laundry.

What $900 can do:

·         Provide showers for 90 women.

·         Provide monthly hygiene products for 450 women.

·         Provides 30 women with necessary identification documents.

·         Provides 30 women with a hot shower and clean laundry.

·         Allow for hiring of additional case managers to assist more women with needed services.